Just Annual Report and Accounts 2021




1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES continued 1.18 Reinsurance continued Amounts receivable/payable

Where reinsurance contracts entered into by the Group include longevity swap arrangements, such contracts are settled on a net basis and amounts receivable from or payable to the reinsurers are included in the appropriate heading under either Insurance and other receivables or Insurance and other payables. Amounts due on quota share reinsurance contracts are included within Insurance and other payables. 1.19 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash at bank and in hand, deposits held at call with banks, and other short-term highly liquid investments with less than 90 days’ maturity from the date of acquisition. 1.20 Equity The difference between the proceeds received on issue of the shares, net of share issue costs, and the nominal value of the shares issued is credited to the share premium account. Interim dividends are recognised in equity in the year in which they are paid. Final dividends are recognised when they have been approved by shareholders. Where the Company purchases shares for the purposes of employee incentive plans, the consideration paid, net of issue costs, is deducted from equity. Upon issue or sale, any consideration received is credited to equity net of related costs. The reserve arising on the reorganisation of the Group represents the difference in the value of the shares in the Company and the value of shares in Just Retirement Group Holdings Limited for which they were exchanged as part of the Group reorganisation in November 2013. Loan notes are classified as either debt or equity based on the contractual terms of the instruments. Loan notes have been classified as equity when they do not meet the definition of a liability because they are perpetual with no fixed redemption or maturity date, they are only repayable on liquidation, conversion is only triggered under certain circumstances of non-compliance, and the notes bear interest which is non-cumulative and cancellable at the discretion of the Company. 1.21 Insurance liabilities Measurement Long-term insurance liabilities arise from the Group writing Retirement Income contracts, including Guaranteed Income for Life Solutions, Defined Benefit De-risking Solutions, long-term care insurance, and whole of life and term protection insurance. Their measurement uses estimates of projected future cash flows arising from payments to policyholders plus the costs of administering them. This is in accordance with the SORP on Accounting for Insurance Business issued by the ABI in December 2005 (amended in December 2006) and withdrawn with effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015, but which continues to apply to the Group as the grandfathered existing accounting policy under IFRS 4. Valuation of insurance liabilities is derived using discount rates, adjusted for default allowance and mortality assumptions, taken from the appropriate mortality tables and adjusted to reflect actual and expected experience, and expense level and inflation assumptions. The assumptions in the valuation are set on a prudent basis. Liability adequacy test The Group performs adequacy testing on its insurance liabilities to ensure the carrying amount is sufficient to cover the current estimate of future cash flows. Any deficiency is immediately charged to the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income. 1.22 Investment contract liabilities Investment contracts are measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with IAS 39. The fair value of investment contracts is estimated using an internal model and determined on a policy-by-policy basis using a prospective valuation of future Retirement Income benefit and expense cash flows. 1.23 Loans and borrowings Loans and borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs, and subsequently amortised through profit or loss over the period to maturity at the effective rate of interest required to recognise the discounted estimated cash flows to maturity. 1.24 Taxation The current tax expense is based on the taxable profits for the year, using tax rates substantively enacted at the Consolidated statement of financial position date, and after any adjustments in respect of prior years. Tax, including tax relief for losses if applicable, is allocated over profit before taxation and amounts charged or credited to components of other comprehensive income and equity as appropriate. Provision is made for deferred tax liabilities, or credit taken for deferred tax assets, using the liability method, on all material temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements. The principal temporary differences arise from the revaluation of certain financial assets and liabilities, including technical provisions and other insurance items and tax losses carried forward, and include amortised transitional tax adjustments resulting from changes in tax basis. The deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using substantively enacted rates based on the timings of when they are expected to reverse. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.


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