JUST GROUP PLC Annual Report and Accounts 2021
Future maintenance expenses are used in the measurement of the insurance contract liabilities. The assumptions reflect the expected future expenses that will be required to maintain the in-force policies at the balance sheet date, including an allowance for project costs and a margin for prudence. The values of the Group’s Lifetime Mortgages are reliant on a range of assumptions, of which the key ones are future house price growth and house price volatility. These assumptions determine the expected shortfall on redemption in respect of the NNEG which is given to all Lifetime Mortgage customers. Small changes in these assumptions (particularly future house price volatility) can have a significant impact on the overall asset valuation.
The Committee received a report on the findings from an annual review of expenses and reviewed and approved proposals to update maintenance expense assumptions in line with the current expense allocation model. The Committee also concluded to retain the expense inflation methodology and associated weightings for the CPI, RPI and earnings components. The Committee reviewed the key assumptions including detailed analyses frommanagement. It was determined that the assumptions for property price volatility and future house price growth should remain unchanged from the 2020 year end. This included consideration of the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK property prices. During 2021, management also assessed the appropriateness of the existing methodology of using the change in Office for National Statistics (“ONS”) indices to estimate property prices at the balance sheet date. For formal valuations or actual sales since 2019, the analysis compared the estimates from the indexed values and output from Hometrack’s Automated Valuation Model (“AVM”). The analysis showed the AVM, which allows for specific location and property characteristics as inputs, was a more accurate predictor of the updated valuations. On reviewing the analysis, the Committee concluded to replace the existing methodology with the use of the most recent property values from the latest AVM indexed to the balance sheet date using Nationwide property indices. It was agreed that a retrospective dilapidation allowance to the property valuation be included to capture any residual underperformance of individual properties over time. The carrying value of this asset is assessed through the consideration of the in-force and new business cash flows of the underlying subsidiary companies. The Committee reviews assessments, the recoverability of the balances reported and appropriateness of accounting policies, as part of its work on financial reporting. As part of the preparation of the 2021 accounts, the Committee considered whether any of the investment in subsidiaries should be impaired. After reviewing the recoverable amounts for the Group’s investments in subsidiaries, an impairment of £188mwas recognised in respect of the investment in PLACL, largely reflecting the dividend distribution of £169m by PLACL to its parent during the year.
Just Group plc’s investment in subsidiary undertakings is a significant asset and underpins the net equity reported by the Company in its individual Parent Company financial statements. The Group’s policy is to hold investments at cost and assess annually for indicators of impairment.
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