Picton Property Income Limited Annual Report 2023

Additional Information

Strategic Report


Financial Statements

Scope 2 emissions

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, for example from electricity. All indirect emissions (not included in Scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions (e.g. occupier emissions).

Scope 3 emissions

TCFD (Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures)

A framework to help public companies disclose climate-related risks.

tCO 2 e

Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is a measure that allows you to compare the emissions of other greenhouse gases relative to one unit of CO 2 . It is calculated by multiplying the greenhouse gas’s emissions by its 100-year global warming potential.

Total property return

Combined income and capital return from the property portfolio.

Total return

The change in the Group’s net asset value, in accordance with IFRS, plus dividends paid.

Total shareholder return UKGBC (UK Green Building Council)

Measures the change in share price over the year plus dividends paid.

A charity launched by the construction industry to promote sustainability across the built environment value chain.

Weighted average debt maturity Each tranche of Group debt is multiplied by the remaining period to its maturity and the result is divided by total Group debt in issue at the period end. Weighted average interest rate The Group loan interest per annum at the period end, divided by total Group debt in issue at the period end. Weighted average lease term The average lease term remaining to first break, or expiry, across the portfolio weighted by contracted rental income.

 Picton Property Income Limited  Annual Report 2023


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