Picton Property Income Limited Annual Report 2023

Leadership and Purpose

Leadership and purpose

Purpose Our purpose is to be a responsible owner of commercial real estate, helping our occupiers succeed and being valued by all our stakeholders.

The role of the Board The Board is responsible for the long-term success of the business. It provides leadership and direction, with due regard to the views of all of the stakeholders in the business. The Board operates in an open and transparent way, and seeks to engage with its shareholders, employees, occupiers and local communities. The Board has full responsibility for the direction and control of the business, and sets and implements strategy, within a framework of strong internal controls and risk management. It establishes the culture and values of the Group. The Board has a schedule of matters reserved for its attention. This includes all acquisitions and significant disposals, significant leasing transactions, dividend policy, gearing and major expenditure. The Board has collectively a range of skills and experience that are complementary and relevant to the business. These are set out in the biographies of the individual Directors on pages 82 and 83.

Our culture and values Principled We are professional, diligent and strategic. Demonstrated through our transparent reporting, occupier focused approach, alignment with shareholders, delivery of our Picton Promise, our commitment to sustainability and positive environmental initiatives. Perceptive We are insightful, thoughtful and intuitive. Demonstrated through our long-term track record, our dynamic positioning of the portfolio, gearing strategy and engagement with our occupiers. Progressive We are forward-thinking, enterprising, and continually advancing. Demonstrated through our culture, work ethic, and proactive asset management. Board meetings The Board has a regular schedule of meetings throughout the year. There are normally two scheduled Board meetings each quarter; the first to deal with regular operational matters such as approval of the dividend and to review key portfolio activity; and the second to consider more strategic matters and thematic discussions. Meetings are also scheduled for the approval of the annual and half-year results. Board education sessions are included in the schedule, and there is an annual Strategy Day. External advisers are invited to attend Board meetings on a regular basis. Meetings this year have been a mixture of in-person and virtual.


Picton Property Income Limited Annual Report 2023

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