Picton Property Income Limited Annual Report 2023


Strategic Report

Financial Statements

Additional Information

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is chaired by Lena Wilson. The other members of the Committee are Mark Batten, Maria Bentley and Richard Jones.

The role of the Committee is to consider the size, structure and composition of the Board to ensure that it has the right balance of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity to carry out its duties and provide effective leadership. In making any new appointment the Committee will consider many factors, including the skills and experience that will be relevant to any specific role and that will complement the existing Board members. The Committee will also seek to continuously improve the diversity of the Board including gender, ethnicity, age and socio-economic background. It is also the Committee’s role to consider succession planning for the Board and for the Executive team, and to lead on the appointment process, ensuring that this is formal, rigorous and transparent. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding the composition of the Remuneration, Audit and Risk, Nomination and Property Valuation Committees, taking into account individuals’ time commitments and experience.

 Picton Property Income Limited  Annual Report 2023


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