Picton Property Income Limited Sustainability Report 2021

PictonProperty Income Limited Sustainability Report 2021


Environmental Focus



Sustainable Buildings

Our Employees

Stakeholder Engagement


Environmental Focus Our environment continued

Greenhouse gas emissions As noted above, in absolute terms, both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have reduced significantly over the year. Scope 3 emissions are a composition of landlord water and waste, business travel and occupier obtained data. However, due to the variation in occupier obtained data each year, the percentage change can fluctuate significantly year-on-year. This year we have reported an absolute reduction of -38%, largely attributed to the reduction in occupancy data captured this year due to Covid-19, where our regular occupier contacts and data were not readily accessible and available. GHG intensity has now dropped below 0.011 thanks to a -32% reduction overall between reporting years.

Scope 1 Scope 1 emissions account for 799 tCO 2 e which is a decrease of -31% on the previous year. This is predominantly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic causing sites to close and occupiers to limit access to their offices unless necessary. Gas consumption reduced by -32% from 6,354,772 kWh to 4,345,349 kWh over the reporting period.

to energy efficiency projects completed in the previous year at Atlas House, Marlow, 180 West George Street, Glasgow and Metro, Manchester where various lighting, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) related works have been completed. This year further works were completed at Grafton Gate, Milton Keynes, Longcross, Cardiff and Stanford Building, London. We hope to see further improvements in 2022 when projects will have had a full reporting year to realise their benefits and without the Covid-19 lockdowns skewing the results. Scope 3 Scope 3 emissions include those of our occupiers and this is the largest Scope 3 element. Data collection this year has been hampered by the pandemic and so a greater proportion than previously has been estimated. We have excluded Scope 3 emissions from like-for-like comparisons. However, in line with the trends seen in Scope 1 and 2, Scope 3 emissions have reduced due to the closure of business premises and travel restrictions. Absolute occupier emissions fell by -38%, while landlord controlled water and waste fell by -47% and -46% respectively.

Read more in tables 6 and 7

Scope 2 Our absolute Scope 2 emissions account for 1,479 tCO 2 e, which is a decrease of -36% from the previous year. Scope 2 emissions have seen the greatest impact from improved meter reads and the decarbonisation of the national grid. With Scope 2 emissions being the largest contributor to our emissions which we can directly control, it is positive that the like-for-like emissions have also fallen by -34%. Similar to Scope 1, this is predominantly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic causing sites to close and occupiers to limit access to offices unless necessary. Electricity consumption reduced by -29% from 8,971,851 kWh to 6,375,782 kWh over the reporting period. A proportion of this can be attributed

Electric vehicle charging We currently have installed electric vehicle (EV) charging points at two of our sites: 180 West George Street, Glasgow, and Easter Court, Warrington. A further occupier funded charging point has been installed at Atlas House, Marlow. In order to support the transition to electric vehicles, we have also been reviewing our portfolio to assess feasible locations for the installation of EV charging points. This exercise has identified 22 assets with potential for a mix of fast chargers and rapid chargers (for example, our retail warehouse assets are more suitable for rapid chargers due to the shorter dwell time of visitors). We are now taking forward a competitive tender process to establish our operating partners and hope to start physical installations over the coming year.

-20% Scope 1, reduction in emissions since 2016 -66% Scope 2, reduction in emissions since 2016 -32%

GHG like-for-like intensity reduction on previous year

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