Audit, Risk and Internal Control
Audit, risk and internal control
The Board has established procedures to manage risk, oversee the framework of internal controls and determine its risk appetite to achieve its long-term strategic objectives.
Such review procedures have been in place throughout the full financial year, and up to the date of the approval of the financial statements, and the Board is satisfied with their effectiveness. This process involves a review by the Board of the control environment within the Group’s service providers to ensure that the Group’s requirements are met. The Board has appointed BDO LLP (‘BDO’) to provide internal audit and assurance services to the Group, in place of additional control testing procedures carried out by the external auditor. The Board considers that this will provide it with a greater level of assurance that the Group’s internal controls are robust and are operating effectively. The annual programme of testing carried out by BDO is agreed in advance by the Audit and Risk Committee. Details of the reviews carried out by BDO are set out in the Audit and Risk Committee report. These systems are designed to ensure effective and efficient operations, internal control and compliance with laws and regulations. In establishing the systems of internal control, regard is paid to the materiality of relevant risks, the likelihood of costs being incurred and costs of control. It follows, therefore, that the systems of internal control can only provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against the risk of material misstatement or loss.
The effectiveness of the internal control systems is reviewed annually by the Audit and Risk Committee and the Board. The Audit and Risk Committee has a discussion annually with the external auditor to ensure that there are no issues of concern in relation to the audit opinion on the financial statements and representatives of senior management are excluded from that discussion.
The Board and the Audit and Risk Committee are responsible for ensuring that the Group has an effective internal control and risk management system and that the Annual Report provides a fair reflection of the Group’s activities during the year following its review of the methodology. The Property Valuation Committee has oversight of the independent valuers and the valuation process. It recommends the adoption of the quarterly valuations by the Board, following its review of the methodology and assumptions used by CBRE Limited, the The Board is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Group’s system of internal controls and reviewing its effectiveness. Internal control systems are designed to manage the achievement of business objectives, rather than eliminate the failure to achieve them and can only provide reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. They have therefore established an ongoing process designed to meet the particular needs of the Group in managing the risks to which it is exposed, consistent with the FRC’s Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and Related Financial and Business Reporting. Group’s external valuers. Internal control and risk management
Picton Property Income Limited Annual Report 2023
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