Strategic Report | 3 |
Business Overview | 3 |
Highlights | 4 |
Purpose | 6 |
Strategy | 6 |
Business Model | 8 |
Responding to Uncertainty | 10 |
Chief Executive’s Review | 20 |
Key Performance Indicators | 24 |
Our Marketplace | 28 |
Portfolio Review | 30 |
Financial Review | 40 |
Principal Risks | 44 |
TCFD Statement | 49 |
Being Responsible: Sustainability Reporting | 58 |
Governance | 80 |
Chair’s Introduction | 82 |
Board of Directors | 84 |
Our Team | 86 |
Leadership and Purpose | 88 |
Section 172 Statement | 92 |
Division of Responsibilities | 96 |
Composition, Succession and Evaluation | 98 |
Audit, Risk and Internal Control | 102 |
Remuneration Report | 108 |
Directors’ Report | 125 |
Financial Statements | 128 |
Independent Auditor’s Report | 130 |
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income | 134 |
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity | 135 |
Consolidated Balance Sheet | 136 |
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows | 137 |
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements | 138 |
Additional Information | 157 |
EPRA BPR and Supplementary Disclosures | 157 |
Property Portfolio | 161 |
Five Year Financial Summary | 162 |
Glossary | 163 |
Financial Calendar | 166 |
Shareholder Information | 167 |
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